Thank You For Donating!

Thank You for Donating!

Thank You For Your Generous Donation to Pet Project Rescue!

Your generosity is saving lives! Each year we provide at least 500 free spay and neuter surgeries and vet care to both pet owners in financial need as well as community animals. By spaying/neutering dogs and cats we are preventing thousands of unnecessary shelter deaths and animals perishing on the streets. This is all possible because of your generous donation!

By reducing the number of unplanned litters we are relieving the strain put on maxed-out no-kill shelters by preventing puppies and kittens needing rescue, as well as keeping dogs and cats in the homes they know and love by providing needed vet care. All of this life-saving work is possible because of your support!

Thank you for helping us end animal homelessness and suffering from Minnesota to Mexico!

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